About Us – KayKay Essentials LLC

About Us

First, we want to thank you for visiting our website and for supporting our small business.

We at KayKay Essentials, are sisters from the US Virgin Islands who are quite familiar with the benefits of fresh organic foods and herbal teas. Our dad worked long hours to provide for his family and often came home tired, so our mom would make his special sea moss drink to boost his energy. In our backyard, we had access to various fresh fruits and vegetables such as: avocados, coconuts, papayas, green peas, passion fruits, breadfruits, pomegranates, aloe veras, soursops, mangoes, figs, etc., that are now called "superfoods". Growing up in the Caribbean islands and consuming these fresh fruits and vegetables, we've later found out that some of these fresh fruits and vegetables are not only good for consumption, but can do wonders for the skin as well. 

We're now mothers and some of our kids have allergies. KayKay in particular had severe allergies that included rashes and a runny nose. She was taking medication almost every day to keep her allergies under control. We thought, why not go back to the natural organic foods that we grew up on.  We decided to give her sea moss, which contains a lot of vitamins and minerals both internally and topically.  Since KayKay has been using the sea moss, her running nose has stopped and the rashes have completely disappeared. There was a point in time we ran out of sea moss and her allergies returned. We were then convinced that the sea moss was helping her tremendously and now KayKay no longer needs to take any allergy medication. Hence, the name KayKay Essentials was founded.

There are products out there that have so many toxic ingredients. Having our kids, we wanted the best for them, so that inspired us to create natural and organic products to help our family and yours.